Thursday, July 10, 2008

Week 9: Wikis and Rollyo


I really think wiki's have a lot of potential, but one of the most interesting things I find about them is that a lot of their major benefits are also their major downfalls. For example, their strength is that anyone who is registered (if the wiki requires them to be) can post and add information to the wiki. The down side of course though, is that anyone who is registered can post and add information to the wiki, regardless of what they know about the subject!

I think a lot of these types of problems are small though, and can be fixed by restricting who can register, and if some form of moderation is used. Overall, I think the benefits of Wiki's far out weigh their disadvantages, as long as appropriate steps are taken.


I LOVE Rollyo! I'm really impressed at how easy it is to use, and how efficient it is. I often use the advanced search option in Google to only search specific sites, but this is much more user friendly and I don't need to set it up each time for searches I do a lot.

I'm going to have to spend a little bit of time setting up some search for my library related things such as children's activities, but for the exercise today I created a rollyo for one of my hobbies, powerkites. This lets you search the main forums for any info on traction kites :

Powered by Rollyo

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